Webmaster's Q.C.M.


As my magnificent Webmaster is curious to know how you visited this site, I authorized him to subject you a small Questionnaire to Multiple Choices.

Attention: he will make for you no present, & you will receive even a note! Then, you can dash now, or return on the site to prepare you to face his terrible questions...

[bhâ dit Hoô dit béné dit Melle Bureau]

Technical Issues!

  1. What is a rollover ?

  2. A figure of gymnastics
    An image that changes when passing the mouse
    A model in roller skating

  3. What is a link ?

  4. The web address of another page
    A Neckloop
    A mammal to five legs

  5. What is a shortcut ?

  6. A small clipping
    A command carried out with the keyboard of the computer
    A double short

  7. What is a home page ?

  8. The first page of a web site
    A page in the form of home
    It does not exist !!!

  9. What is a menu ?

  10. A card with the dish of the day
    A set of links allowing you to navigate easily on the site
    A naked man

Ready for the following ?

Questions on the site!

  1. What is an ObjetLumineux ?

  2. A race of brilliant aliens
    Objects models by [bhâ]
    An insult

  3. How to appoint the first exhibitions of [bhâ] ?

  4. Egoïstes Maux

  5. For UNESCO's program [bhâ] has carried out :

  6. A Christmas tree
    A Peace tree
    A manifesto for bringing peace to the world

  7. bhâ accumulated several activities, which ones ?

  8. visual artist/mom/Dj
    mom/volunteer firefighter/visual artist
    Bus driver/visual artist/actress

  9. What is the full name of [bhâ] ?

  10. [bas dix haut dix bênet dix Miels Bus rot]
    [badi audi bène et dicte Mèle Bourreau]
    [bhâ dit hoô dit béné dit Melle Bureau]

End of the Q.C.M.

main haut

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